History of SLSPI 

San Lorenzo Ruiz Academy of Polomolok (SLRAP) has existed independently for 33 years. The land where SLRAP has been located is owned by the Mindanao Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. 

In 1981, because of conflicts which beset the school, its management was turned over to the Mahintana Foundation, an arm of Dole Philippines Incorporated. The Marist brothers were hired to supervise and raise the miserable state of the school. 

Later on, SLRAP became one of the respected schools in the region because of its outstanding performance in academic and non-academic competitions. 

The Methodist groups who owns the land has indicated to take back the property and to use it to operate their own school. Consequently, the idea of establishing another school bearing the new name St. Lorenzo School of Polomolok, Inc. became a reality.

The new school will maintain the same teaching unit and workforce, academic curriculum and services to be offered to its loyal clientele. Moreover, the school will continue to provide the same benefits and privileges to its personnel and afford the quality education and service to students, parents, and other members of the community.  In school year 2013-2014, supported with a temporary permit (R-XII) no. 22 of 2013, SLSPI started its first year if operation in the new site. On the second year, Government Recognition was granted and on its third year of operation, it became PEAC-FAPE certified school.

To this day, SLSPI keeps on its mission in molding responsible, service-oriented citizens of Polomolok community and of the country.



The school seal is an emblem, which stands for St. Lorenzo School of Polomolok, Inc. and bears the following symbol:

    • The Mountain represents the towering Mt. Matutum. This symbol signifies the school’s commitment to serve the citizens of Polomolok and its neighboring towns. 
  • The Dove depicts the school’s mission in reaching out for developing the moral, spiritual, social, and cultural values of the country.
  • The Book and the Torch symbolizes the school’s mission to provide quality education.
  • The Pineapple is the major product of the community. This expresses Dole Philippines, Inc. benevolence toward the school. Besides, many clienteles are dependents of the company’s employees.
  • The Laurel symbolizes the school’s commitment for excellence. 
  • The Cog represents each member of the SLSPI who works for its mission.
  • The Coat of Arms exhibits the trademarks (pineapple, book, torch, and cog) indicating the unity and cooperation of the school and community for the pursuit of the school’s mission. 
  • The Image of St. Lorenzo de Manila, the school’s patron saint who exemplified its core values.

School Philosophy

St. Lorenzo School of Polomolok, Inc. upholds the total development of persons through well-balanced curricular programs and formation activities. 

The school strongly believes that through relevant instructional services, individuals are developed spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially enabling them to live a life of integrity, humility, compassion, faith, excellence, and services. 

The school further believes that through the offering of innovative and diverse instructional programs, individuals are able to acquire appropriate skills, multiple competencies, and positive values that empower them to become effective contributors to community-building.


Holistically competent individuals imbued with diverse proficiencies serving the community productively and responsibly.

Key Elements:

  • Holistically Competent: totally developed in the five aspects of a human person (spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially)
  • Individuals: refers to the members of the academic community (administrators, teachers, parents, students, personnel, alumni/stakeholders)
  • Imbued with: equipped with
  • Diverse Proficiencies: appropriate skills, multiple competencies, and positive values
  • Serving: rendering assistance/ help
  • The Community: others/ people outside the school
  • Productively and Responsibly: with great and sense of concern


We commit ourselves to: 

  1. Provide diverse quality educational programs and support services for the total formation of persons.
  2. Implement innovative development programs for the acquisition of appropriate skills, multiple competencies, and positive values of individuals.
  3. Develop responsible and service-oriented citizens equipped with faith, integrity, humility, compassion, and excellence through relevant formation activities.


  • Pursue a quality, responsive, and relevant curriculum 
  • Implement curricular programs aligned with international standards
  • Focus instructional leadership for excellence
  • Proper mobilization of resources to enhance instructional facilities 
  • Promote high academic achievements and improve learning outcomes
  • Foster the holistic development of individuals to become dynamic and productive members of the society


  • Acquire linguistic competence necessarily required in various life situations and in different professions.
  • Develop their listening, reading, writing and speaking skills to effectively express and communicate themselves using the English and Filipino language.
  • Acquire a strong foundation in mathematical reasoning and skills to develop their abstract to reflect critically upon their work and others’ work.
  • Learn about the political, economic, cultural, geographic, and technological forces that have formed the history of the nation and the world.
  • Apply the necessary livelihood and technological skills in real life situations.
  • Instill positive values and the sense of responsibility for their holistic developments.
  • Develop their talents and skills in music and arts.
  • Value the importance of music which would enable them express their interests in various ways.
  • Develop an informed appreciation of arts and participate in their creation.
  • Inculcate in their minds the essence of health, safety, and physical fitness in life.

Foster all the skills and equip themselves with competencies necessary for their continual growth and program. 

Core Values

We value:

We seek to/we choose to:
Demonstrate strong belief in God
Always exhibit optimism for the best to come
Exhibit trust in the wisdom of authority

We seek to/we choose to:
Consistently display honesty both in words and actions
Practice great sense of truthfulness in words and deeds
Manifest sincerity in what we say and do
Speak only for what is right and true

We seek to/we choose to:
Acknowledge and embrace the differences of persons in the community
Exhibit modesty at all times in words and actions truthfully

We seek to/we choose to:
Display genuine concern to their wider community
Manifest empathy to live in harmony with diverse persons

We seek to/we choose to:
Settle only for the best results
Start and finish work promptly
Conform only with the set standards

We seek to/we choose to:
Perform the duties and responsibilities beyond what is required

Share freely and cheerfully time, talent and treasure
Voluntarily help and contribute to the welfare of the community
Provide help and assistance without complaining and expecting something in return.